Genealogy Lessons

Want to learn more about a specific genealogy topic? Let these links help you. Articles are listed from oldest to newest within each category. Last updated (after a ridiculously long time) on 25 Jan 2024.

Antenati website (Italian genealogical records)

DNA Painter quickly showed me 2 very important matches.
DNA Painter quickly showed me 2 very important matches.

Family Tree Analyzer

Foreign-Language Help

Immigration Records
Analyzing ship manifests uncovers so many facts.
Analyzing ship manifests uncovers so many facts.

Maps and Hometowns

Military Records
The upside to forced draft registration: Genealogy data!
The upside to forced draft registration: Genealogy data!

This extra step pays big dividends.
This extra step pays big dividends.

Projects for Genealogy Fans


Vital Records

1 comment:

  1. This is a great list of resources for people to learn.
