19 December 2023

5 Free, Easy-to-Use Family Tree Charts

With the holiday season upon us, I know you don't have a lot of time to devote to genealogy. But I wanted to put these charts in your hands. Here are 5 free family tree charts/templates you can come back to when you're ready to dive in.

1. A Color-Coded Ahnentafel Chart

Look in this article for the revised Ahnentafel spreadsheet: "How to Visualize Your Ancestor-Finding Progress." The colors and pre-filled numbers will help you instantly see which branches of your family tree need more research.

2. A Multi-Generation Relationship Calculator

Understanding your relationship to a distant cousin (maybe a DNA match) can make your head spin. Here's a spreadsheet that makes it clear what to call your relationship based on your common ancestor. Look for the link that says, "You can download my chart for yourself" in this article: "This Chart Finds Hidden Relationships in Your Family Tree."

These 5 free family tree charts belong in your genealogy toolbox!
These 5 free family tree charts belong in your genealogy toolbox!

3. A Five-Generation Fill-in-the-Blanks PDF Chart

I never write anything by hand that I can type instead. That's why I created this Acrobat PDF file that lets you type in the names to create a five-generation family tree chart. Click the link that says, "Download the Direct Ancestor Chart PDF" in this article: "Free 5-Generation Fill-in-the-Blanks Form."

4. An Easy Family Tree Template from Microsoft Excel

I use Excel in my family tree research every day and in lots of ways. Did you know Microsoft Excel includes a free family tree template? Take a look at how you can make quick work of a custom family tree in this article: "Free and Easy-to-Use 4-Generation Family Tree Chart."

5. Five-Generation Template Keeps New Research on Track

I made this Excel template to use when I'm researching families that don't belong in my own family tree. At first I was keeping running lists of what I'd found and where I searched. Then I made this template and saved myself a ton of trouble. Find the link at the bottom of this article: "This New Template Charts 5 Generations."

I'll give you another great collection next week to wrap up the 7th year (holy cow!) of this blog. Happy holidays!

12 December 2023

How to Batch Process Your Genealogy Documents

I spent 24 years coding websites before I retired. Now I apply those job skills to genealogy. I was faster than my colleagues because I found ways to be more efficient.

This past weekend I added 114 military records to my family tree. I would have doubled that number, but the website they come from dies every day at 2 p.m. Eastern Time. (Do they unplug the router when they go home?)

These records include a ton of facts about each soldier, but the key facts I'm after are when, where, and how he died. Adding each of these invaluable records to my family tree has many steps:

  1. Search for the soldier on the website (in this case, it's the website of the Benevento State Archives in Italy).
  2. View his page of details and download a PDF with the record image.
  3. Extract the image from the PDF. (This is a function of Adobe Acrobat.)
  4. Edit the image in Photoshop for top quality and a consistent image size (1500 pixels wide).
  5. Create a source citation from a template I created.
  6. Add the citation and a title to the image's document properties and drag it into Family Tree Maker.
  7. Create the death fact for the soldier, add the same source citation, and attach the image to it.
  8. Add the date of death and a category (Military) to the image.

Now do that 113 more times.

At first, I didn't realize the site was crashing at 2:00 each day, so I was working as if it might crash at any moment. To borrow a computer programming term, I started batch-processing the military records.

You'll be faster, more efficient, and more professional with this genealogy document-handling method.
You'll be faster, more efficient, and more professional with this genealogy document-handling method.

Real batch processing means one computer program automates a series of tasks over and over. In this case, I suppose I'm the computer, running the 8 steps above on soldier after soldier. Doing it this way ensures that:

  • All my military record document images have consistent quality.
  • All the source citations for these records follow the same format.
  • None of the 8 steps are skipped.

For this project, I have one more ace in the hole. The website has these documents for every man from the Benevento Province who died in World War I. First I made a list of every document for each of my ancestral hometowns. From these lists I created one spreadsheet of 274 soldiers. That tells me exactly who I'm searching for each time. I added a column where I can mark which documents are now in my family tree.

I came up with a way to cram in as many documents as possible before the site crashes each day. I search for and open the summary pages of 6 soldiers in different tabs. I immediately download each man's PDF file and label them consistently. For example, AutoreGiuseppe1875MilitaryRecord.pdf. That's last name, first name, year of birth, military record.

Next, with the 6 tabs still open, I open each PDF file one at a time and extract the images. I use an old version of Abobe Acrobat Pro where the command for this is File > Export > Image > JPEG. Then I drag and drop all the images into Photoshop. For each one, the process is this:

  • Image > Auto Color. For some reason, the documents all look very yellow. Auto Color makes the paper white, the ink black, and the rubber stamps blue. That's how they looked when I saw several of them in person.
  • Image > Auto Contrast. This makes the ink a bit darker and the paper a bit whiter.
  • Export As. Here I can reduce the file size by entering a consistent image width of 1500 pixels.

Now I have 6 document images waiting for their source citations. The details for the citations are on the 6 open tabs in my web browser. Here's the format I'm using:

From the Benevento State Archives, military records, fallen soldiers; register #75, record #4292, class #1893

When I went to the archives to see my grandfather's record, all I needed was the register number, record number, and class number. These are the critical facts.

The first URL in the citation is the page that's open in those 6 tabs. The second URL (found on that page) is for the PDF itself. The register and record number are on the page, and they're also part of the PDF's URL. The class # is the soldier's year of birth.

One at a time for the 6 open tabs, I:

  • Find the soldier in my tree and add his death fact.
  • Create the source citation and put it in the image's file properties.
  • Drag the image into Family Tree Maker and make it his profile picture unless he has a better one.
  • Add the source citation to the death fact and attach the image to it.
  • Add the date of death and a category to the image.

When you batch process any type of document in this way, you achieve a level of professionalism. As you're doing it, you'll find yourself getting into a groove that lets you move faster through the steps. Once those steps become familiar, you can process a group of documents faster than you ever imagined.

My master spreadsheet contains 105 men who probably aren't in my family tree. Yet. They came from towns I haven't completely documented. (To see what I mean, read "How to Create and Share Your Ancestral Town Database.") That means I should have 55 more military records to add using this batch process. I'm sure I can get that done in one or two more sessions using this method. (In fact, I finished in one session!)

Keep batch processing in mind when you're tracking down any type of document. When the NYC Municipal Archives put their vital records online, I downloaded so many documents. I created a citation template and fixed each image's color, contrast, and size. This added a ton of value to my New York City ancestors. Here's another look at the idea: "Step-by-Step Source Citations for Your Family Tree."

Imagine the consistency you can achieve if you handle all your census records this way. Or ship manifests. Or newspaper clippings. Think through your process for each document type, including what to add to your family tree. Go through it step by step, then repeat for all the same types of documents. Now you've done some truly professional genealogy work.

05 December 2023

4 Keys to Italian Genealogy

I've learned so much by spending countless hours immersed in Italian vital records. If you're new to Italian genealogy research, I can save you those countless hours.

Here are the 4 keys to help you build your Italian family tree.

1. Location and Mobility

To find Italian vital records, you must know where your people came from. Not all records are searchable in one convenient form. And without the town name, you can't be sure you've found your person or someone with the same name. Records are stored by town name and held in the provincial capital's archives. The town name is your first hurdle. Read "4 Key Places to Discover Your Ancestor's Hometown."

Until the 1890s, most Italians stayed in or near their hometown for generations. It isn't as if a man could meet a woman who lived hours away and marry her. You must expect that your ancestral couples lived in the same town or neighboring towns. There were no highways and travel wasn't easy.

When a couple from different towns married, they were likely to marry in the woman's town but live in the man's town. A man could inherit property, so they lived in the man's home—which may include other members of his family.

Tip: If your couple married in Italy, expect them to have been born in the same town or neighboring towns.

Here's your crash course in Italian genealogy documents. Use these 4 keys to build your family tree.
Here's your crash course in Italian genealogy documents. Use these 4 keys to build your family tree.

2. Language Is NOT a Barrier

There's no reason on earth to let the Italian language stop you from reading a vital record. The documents follow standard patterns. And you don't need to translate every single word. What you want to find are:

  1. Names don't need translation. They are exactly what you see in the document. There's no reason you can't spot the name you're looking for in a document.
    • If a last name is hard to decipher, type what you think you see into the Cognome box on the Cognomix website. As you type, you'll see suggestions of actual names. Once you click Cerca (Search), you'll see where you can find that name in Italy. https://www.cognomix.it/mappe-dei-cognomi-italiani
    • Another option: Type a last name into Ancestry and FamilySearch to see suggestions.
  2. Place names (both town names and street names) don't need translation.
    • If you found your document on a genealogy website, the website should tell you the town name.
    • If you received the document another way, the town name is on the document. Look close to the top of the document, often after the words Comune di (town of).
    • If the comune name is hard to read, use this alphabetical list of Italian towns and try to match what you see. http://en.comuni-italiani.it/alfa
    • Street names may no longer exist in your ancestral town. But if you want to have a look, use Bing Maps rather than Google Maps. It has more street names than Google in Italian towns. https://www.bing.com/maps
    • Some street names begin with the word Contrada. A contrada is more of a neighborhood name. It can be a large area with only one road running through it. That road name will usually be the Contrada name. These are easiest to find on the map because they're well outside the town center.
  3. Dates do need translation, but there is one terrific resource to help you out. The FamilySearch Wiki has month names, numbers, and other key genealogical word translations. https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Italian_Genealogical_Word_List
    • On most Italian vital records, you'll see numbers written out in longhand, not numerals. That includes years. With practice, seeing mille ottocento ventiquattro instead of 1824 is no problem.
    • Vital records begin with the date someone wrote the document. That means the event may have happened earlier. On a birth record, look further down for the (often pre-printed) words nel giorno (on the day) and del mese di (of the month of). If you see nel giorno sette del mese di Gennaro, you'll know the person was born/died on the 7th day of January. (Check the FamilySearch Wiki linked above for numbers and months.)
    • Birth records often have a separate column for the baptism. This may include a church or parish name. You can look up a church name by location using this website: https://italia.indettaglio.it/eng/parrocchie/parrocchie.html. You may get the street address of the church, too.
      • The baptism column can be confusing because it can have up to 3 dates. Look for the earliest date, and that's the baptism. The format: On this date(1) the church notes that on this date(2) we recorded that on this date(3) we baptized this baby. Wacky, yes, but look for the earliest date.
    • Marriage records often have a separate column, too. In the smaller column you'll find the date and place of the church wedding. It's often later than the date at the top of the main column. I record the main column's date as the marriage license. On this date, the couple was married in the civil sense. Afterward, they married in the church.

3. Where to Find the Facts

We've just explored the different types of names, dates, and places you'll find on vital records. Now let's dive deeper so you know exactly what to expect to find. The standard forms used in your ancestral towns will change over time, but the basics are the same. (In my towns, the 1866–1873 documents are all in longhand. That's why it's important to know what to expect.)

  • Birth records. The basic format is:
    • On this date, before the mayor (look for the word Sindaco) of this town, appeared (look for the word comparso) FATHER of baby (and maybe his father's name), age, profession, residence (look for the word domiciliato) to present a baby (bambino is a boy, bambina is a girl).
    • Next, sometimes written entirely in longhand, you'll see MOTHER of baby, age, profession. The word moglie (wife) tells you that the father and mother are legally married.
    • Next is the date of birth (nel giorno _____ del mese di _____), followed by the baby's name.
    • Look for a baptism date in a separate column or sometimes written briefly in the margin.
  • Marriage records. These begin the same way as a birth record, with the date, mayor, and town. Then comes the important stuff:
    • After the word comparsi, look for GROOM's name, age, place of birth (nato in), profession, and residence.
    • The groom's parents come after the words figlio di (son of). You'll find his father's name, occupation, and residence, and if he's dead, you'll see the word fu (was) before his name. Then you'll find his mother's name, sometimes her profession, and her residence. If you're very lucky, you'll get the parents ages and maybe their dates of death.
    • Next comes the BRIDE whose name comes after the word e (and). Look for her age, place of birth, and residence.
    • After the words figlia di (daughter of), look for her parents in the same format as the groom's parents above.
    • Look for the date and place of the church wedding in a separate column.
  • Death records. After the date of the document, the mayor's name, and the town name, death records usually list 2 witnesses. You can look for familiar last names or relationship words (avo=grandfather, zio=uncle), but there may be no relationship. The important facts begin after the witness information.
    • Look for the words che nel giorno (that on the day). What follows is the day and month of death.
    • If it says é morto(a) nel(la) casa propria, you know this person died in their own home (casa propria). Use these words as a clue to the person's gender if you're unsure. Morto nel casa propria means it's a male. Morta nella casa propria means it's a female.
    • If you don't see the words casa propria, they died somewhere else—like in someone else's house. Don't let that extra name of the homeowner confuse you. If it starts with nel casa di (in the house of) then the following name should be the homeowner, followed by the deceased's name.
    • Look for the deceased's name written in longhand. It may also say they were the husband (marito) or wife (moglie) of the following name.
    • Next look for the deceased's age (di anni _____), place of birth (nato di _____), profession, residence, and their father and mother's names, professions, and residence.

For diagrams showing where to find the facts on Italian vital records, see:

Unless there's a handwritten paragraph after that, then you've found the facts you need. Sometimes an extra paragraph will explain important facts such as:

  • The father didn't report the birth because he was ill, out of the country, or he died on this date.
  • The child in this birth record married this person on this date. This is a treasure written in some empty space on a birth record.
  • The baby's birth was legitimized by the marriage of its parents on this later date.
  • This man died leaving several minor children, and here are their names and ages.

If you see a long handwritten paragraph on your document, look for keywords like:

  • matrimonio (marriage)
  • morto (death)
  • figli minori (minor children)
  • ammalato (ill)
  • lontano dal paese (far from the country)

Use the FamilySearch Italian Genealogical Word List and Google Translate to see if you've found useful information or standard boilerplate.

4. Naming Conventions

Different cultures have different standards for what to name the baby. Keep in mind, these could be more guidelines than rules. Many of my own ancestors completely ignored the naming conventions. In general:

  • The first male is named after his paternal grandfather.
  • The second male is named after his maternal grandfather.
  • The first female is named after her paternal grandmother.
  • The second female is named after her maternal grandmother.

But here are more naming conventions to look for:

  • If a baby is born after their father dies, the baby is named after the father. A baby girl may receive a female version of her father's name, such as Francesca if her father was Francesco.
  • Say a person becomes a widow and then remarries. Their next child is named after the deceased spouse. This is a good way to confirm that you've found the remarriage of a particular man or woman.
  • When a child dies, the parents usually give the next child of the same sex the same name as the deceased child. You may find birth records for 2, 3, or 4 siblings with the same exact name. If you do, then you can assume each one died before the same-named sibling was born. This comes in handy if death records are not available.

Tip: A set of marriage documents may use the birth record of a same-named deceased sibling. This is just human error.

In my towns, I've seen families wait until baby-boy #4 before using the paternal grandfather's name. And many families never get to the 4th grandparent's name. This may be a regional practice since all my ancestors came from neighboring towns. Maybe the naming rules were less strict there. Keep an open mind and don't rule someone out because they don't have the name you'd expect.

When you find a marriage record and the groom came from another town, search that town for their kids. Any time you learn your person's parents' names, you can expand your search. You can search for the previous generation's birth, marriage, and death records, if the years are available. Read "How I Tracked Down My 4th Great Grandmother's Parents."

That's the beauty of Italian vital records. Each one you find for someone in your family tree can lead to more and more generations. You now have the keys. As long as records are available for your towns, there's no stopping you.

28 November 2023

4 Rules for the Names in Your Family Tree

I've been on a rampage this year, adding thousands of people to my family tree. Once I discovered that everyone in my ancestral hometowns had a connection, I set out to prove it. Each town's vital records (1809–1942 with gaps) added at least 20,000 documented people to my family tree. (Discover the Lessons Learned from My One Place Study.)

The documents come from Italy's Antenati website. Thank you, Italy! Find out how to harvest the Antenati website for your Italian family tree.

During this journey I've learned a lot about the first and last names in my towns. I realized that I've developed 4 rules that make it easier to manage my 23,073 families. (That number comes from the powerful and free Family Tree Analyzer and my latest GEDCOM file.)

Here's a look at 4 naming rules to use in your own family tree.

Follow these simple naming rules to avoid errors and confusion.
Follow these simple naming rules to avoid errors and confusion.

1. Use Birth Names

The best way to record any person in your family tree is by their birth name. If you have their birth or baptism record, then you know what name their parents chose. We all knew my grandmother as Mary Leone, but Leone is her husband's name, not hers. And Mary is an Americanization of her given name—which is different than the name she claimed was hers! Her birth record calls her Maria Carmina Sarracino, so that is the name I recorded in my family tree.

Why record a woman in your family tree with her husband's last name when you know her father's last name? When you view her, it's plain to see who she married.

It's important to use original last names so all the siblings in a family unit show the same name. Anything else looks like a research blunder.

2. Use Original Spelling

I have examples from my ancestral hometowns where the spelling of a last name changed over time. The name:

  • Esci became Iesce
  • diRuccia became Ruccia
  • Cifaldi became Gifaldi
  • Italian names ending in an o later ended in an i.

Since my family tree covers many generations, I use the original last name for continuity. Then, since the name may change over time, I note this in an easy-to-find place. In Family Tree Maker, I use the description field for a person's birth fact to note alternative spellings. (Don't overlook this important feature to leave research breadcrumbs in your family tree.)

Many times a person will use a first name variation during their life. That causes problems when you're searching for the children of a particular couple. If the father was born Domenico but goes by Giandomenico as an adult, you may overlook his children.

In these cases I make 2 kinds of notes in that birth fact description field:

  1. For the father, Domenico, I'll type "aka Giandomenico"
  2. For their child, I'll type that their "father is called Giandomenico on their birth record"

These notes have bailed me out time and again when I find a vital record that doesn't seem to fit.

Because I researched all the town's records that I know people named Gifaldi were the descendants of people named Cifaldi. To make sure I found every family member, I changed my inventory to show only the original spelling.

3. Record But Don't Use Name Variations

On a similar note, if someone's vital record uses a different spelling of their name, I'll note that fact, too. I record the Esci children whose vital records say Esce, Iesce, or Iesci as Esci. But I add a note to the description field saying, "Her last name is Iesce on her birth record."

This happens with first names, too. A woman born as Concetta is Maria Concetta on her death record. During review, that may look like I made a mistake. So I put a note in the description field of the death fact saying, "She is called Maria Concetta on her death record." This assures me that I did my careful research, and there is a discrepancy in the documents.

I leave her name as Concetta, but understand that she may be Maria Concetta on the birth records of her children. And I'll note that for each child.

4. Expand Searches to Include Name Variations

You must take all the name variations into account when you're searching for records. I've created my own extraordinary database of the vital records of my ancestral hometowns. I've named each record image with the subject's name and their father's first name. That way, I can easily search for all the children of a particular man.

But what happens when that man's first name has variations? It's simple. You have to search for all the logical variations. A man named Giambattista at birth may be listed on his children's birth records as:

  • Giambattista
  • Gianbattista
  • Giovambattista
  • Giovanbattista
  • Giovanni Battista
  • Giovanni
  • Battista

When a father has a compound name that has variations, I search for all possibilities. In this case, I can search for children with the right last name and a father whose first name begins with "Gi." (I'll search for Battista alone as a second search.) Then I can view the results, checking for Giambattista's wife's name, their ages, etc.

Remember these 4 key points.

One huge benefit to my quest to get entire towns into my family tree is name familiarity. I can:

  • spot a spelling variation
  • decipher the worst handwriting, and
  • identify an out-of-towner in an instant.

That's because I know all the names in my towns. I know their original spellings and their common variations.

How familiar are you with the names from your ancestral hometowns? Are your naming styles causing confusion?

21 November 2023

4 Best Ways to Learn from Your DNA Matches

I've had tons of success identifying and learning important facts from my DNA matches. Here are 4 articles featuring the most successful methods to use.

I left one article off this list: "Use Color-Coding to Solve Mystery DNA Matches." This otherwise powerful technique doesn't work with endogamous families like mine. But it's well worth a look if your tree is not endogamous.

Endogamy is the practice of marrying within your own culture, ethnic group, town, etc., for centuries. This "muddies" your results. Different branches of your family tree will have very similar DNA.

These 4 articles represent the best ways to work with your DNA matches to fortify your family tree.

Are you getting all you can from your DNA matches? These 4 methods can really help.
Are you getting all you can from your DNA matches? These 4 methods can really help.

1. 3 Key Steps to Identify a DNA Match

This article explains how to figure out your mystery DNA match by:

  • Looking at your shared DNA matches.
  • Searching their trees for familiar last names. (Notice I said familiar names, not your name.)
  • Doing their research for them (but it's actually for you).

It's a method you can repeat over and over with positive results.

2. Digging Into a DNA Match's Family Tree

This article is a practical case study that expands on the article above. Don't waste your time on matches with no family tree or a useless family tree. Find matches with at least a couple of generations to their trees and search for a solid entry point. Find out how you can do this with your DNA matches.

3. Why Care About Your DNA Matches?

Your very distant DNA matches can still add value to your family tree. You may not know what became of your 2nd great grandfather's brother, but your distant cousin may. Here's how you can use your DNA matches to find lost relatives and missing families.

4. How to Use DNA Matches to Go Beyond Vital Records

I have a completely insane family tree—and not for the reason you may be thinking. My ancestors came from isolated towns, intermarrying like crazy. That means I can find some connection to everyone from each town. I'm using the Antenati website to piece together my connection to everyone from my towns. I have 72,000 people right now, and I'm far from done.

The only problem is, lots of documents are not available. In my towns, there are no death or marriage records from 1861–1930, births end in 1915, and there's nothing after 1942. The great value of DNA matches is that their personal knowledge can bridge that document gap. I especially love it when their trees can prove that two people already in my tree married one another. I had no way to know that, but now I do!

Follow this simple method and harvest the relationships you never knew existed.

I've had so much success with the Antenati website that it'd take pre-1809 church records for me to go any further. Now and then I choose a few more DNA matches to explore. The hope is that someday I'll find a distant cousin who has already seen those old church records!

A 15% discount for readers of Fortify Your Family Tree!
A 15% discount for readers of Fortify Your Family Tree!

14 November 2023

Top 5 Favorite Genealogy Projects

The Fortify Your Family Tree blog focuses on constructive ways to improve your family tree. These 5 genealogy projects have gotten the most attention from you, the readers.

Take a fresh look at these 5 genealogy projects and see which ones are right for you at this point in your research.

Take another look at the 5 most popular genealogy projects from Fortify Your Family Tree.
Take another look at the 5 most popular genealogy projects from Fortify Your Family Tree.

1. 3 Things to Do with Ahnentafel Numbers

The Ahnentafel numbering system is an excellent way to see which ancestors you've found and which ones you're missing. This article contains a free downloadable chart that I use for tracking my ancestors. I can see, for instance, that I'm missing one of my 3rd great grandparents, and I've found 5 of my 9th great grandparents.

2. How to Create a 'Book of Life' for Your Relatives

I have a cousin who's very interested in our family history. So, for an milestone birthday, I made her a 'Book of Life' like the ones you see on the PBS program "Finding Your Roots." It's easy to do and gets a tremendous reaction. This article shows you exactly how you can create a book of life.

3. How to Share Your Family Tree Research with Relatives

I was reluctant to share my family tree with all the cousins because it wasn't fully researched yet. But one cousin convinced me to do so. I distributed 40 large posters to the heads of all the families, and everyone loved it. This article offers a few creative ways to share your research with your family.

4. 7 Days to a Better Family Tree

Here's an explanation of 7 different ways you can greatly improve your family tree. I suggest you spend a nice long session on each item. You may not complete them in 7 consecutive days, but that's fine. In the end, your research will be more complete and your family tree will have more consistency.

5. 5 Steps to Writing Your Ancestor's Life Story

Sometimes we don't try to tackle certain projects because we expect they'll be too tough. This article breaks down the process of writing your ancestor's life story into 5 steps. Taken one at a time, they're not the least bit overwhelming. Give it a try!

Thank you for visiting this blog and spending your valuable time. I reap the benefits of applying skills I learned at work to my family tree. And now that I'm retired, this weekly blog *is* my job.