13 August 2024

How to Become a Genealogy Efficiency Expert

Robotic arms work on a factory production line to produce family trees.
A production line mentality is 1 of 4 concepts to make you a family tree efficiency expert.

I started this blog because my business approach to genealogy was somewhat unique. I build my family tree using as much discipline and efficiency as I used on the job. That approach made me more productive than my work colleagues. Now it's the reason why I make so much progress on my tree each day.

Family tree-building efficiency boils down to these 4 concepts.

1. Stay in One Place

I had a great time last month following "6 Steps to Finding Your Living Cousins." But there were times when I felt overwhelmed and had to take a break. I got bogged down in processing all the different types of documents, facts, and citations. If I started with one man born in Italy, and tried to find his living descendants, I had to find:

  • His immigration record, extract the facts, and add the source citations.
  • His census records, add new family members, addresses, dates, jobs, and give everyone their source citations.
  • Vital records for each family member and add facts and source citations.
  • Obituaries, search for any new names, gather more facts, and add source citations.

It could take all day to do this for one immigrant in my family tree. Having so many types of documents to find felt exhausting.

But, if you choose one type of resource, you'll spend less time moving around. You won't have to think as much because you're repeating the same few steps over and over.

Here's an example. What if you had a book filled with information that applies to certain people in your family tree. Instead of finding every document for those people, work through the book. You'll fall into an efficient pattern of work.

I own one such book (see "Imagine a Register of Your Entire Ancestral Hometown"). It's a detailed description of more than 500 households in my grandfather's hometown. As I worked through the households, it became easy to follow the same steps:

  • Locate the right family.
  • Go to the head of household and copy the book's description of his assets and family members to his notes.
  • Create the source citation and copy it to each member of the household.
  • Move on to the next household.

It's more efficient to cite one source for the whole family, than to find every document for the whole family. You'll get to them later.

Here's an example my fellow Italian genealogy researchers can relate to. I've gone back to my unfinished project of creating my missing source citations. (See "These Steps Make Your Family Tree Much More Valuable"). The majority of these citations are for Italian vital records. I've been skipping the citations because the documents are on my computer, and I can find them in a snap.

But I want my online family tree to be a resource for anyone with roots in the same ancestral hometowns as mine. So I have to find the documents online (on the Antenati website) to get the URL and image number to add to my citation.

The most time-consuming part of the process was locating pre-1809* birth and death records. You can only find these documents in the priceless matrimoni processetti. (See "The Italian Genealogy Goldmine: 'Wedding Packets'").

*Italian civil records may exist as early as 1805, but for all my Italian towns, the records begin in mid-1809. One exception is a town that didn't start civil record keeping until 1861.

The only problem is, there are a lot of pages in each year's processetti, and they can be in no particular order. Finding the page I need to cite can take a while. I needed a way to simplify this process.

Here's what I did to save all that search time. This works well for me because every person in the town is in my family tree. I'm going through each page of a given year's processetti one-by-one. For every pre-1809 birth or death, I check the person in my tree to see if I need the citation. If yes, I create it immediately. If no, I move on.

Working through this one resource, eliminating the tedious searches, saves a lot of time. And on top of that, I save more time by using the next concept.

2. Reduce Keystrokes

In 1985 I worked for a printing company. I generated templates on a computer, printed them on a plotter, and cut and folded them to look like the finished product—a direct mail piece. These templates were a guideline for creating the piece's text and artwork.

Words can be a template, too. I keep a handful of source citation templates handy so my citations are consistent. They also reduce the amount of typing you have to do. Anything that reduces keystrokes can save time and avoid errors.

Here are 3 source citation templates I keep handy. For each one, I add the right numbers and replace CAPITALIZED words to keep a consistent format.

  1. For New York City Municipal Archives vital records: New York City Municipal Archives; NYC Department of Records & Information Services; YEAR BOROUGH TYPE certificate #xx; URL
  2. For a resource of fallen soldiers from the Benevento province of Italy: From the Benevento State Archives, military records, fallen soldiers; register #xx, record #xx, class #xx; page URL, PDF URL
  3. For any vital record from Antenati: From the PROVINCE State Archives, YEAR TYPE, TOWN, document xx, image xx of xx at bookURL; https://iiif-antenati.san.beniculturali.it/iiif/2/TARGET/full/full/0/default.jpg

3. Form a Production Line

Factories use production lines to save time, increase efficiency, and ensure quality. To get through so many searches for living relatives, I used a production line mentality.

I knew I had to search for several documents:

  • ship manifests
  • naturalization papers
  • censuses
  • draft registration cards
  • vital records
  • obituaries.

Keeping one person as my focus, I went through each stop on the production line. I searched for each document. I added the facts to my tree, made the source citation, and copied facts and citations as needed.

I kept my eye on the production line to produce a complete, accurate, quality product each time. But you can bet production line workers get bored, so on to concept 4.

4. Keep Yourself Happy

Boredom can keep you from getting the job done. If you get bored with one task, pick a logical stopping point, and jump to another task that suits your mood.

When I'm working through those big matrimoni processetti collections, it can get overwhelming. When I finish one year, I may dread starting the next year. Of course I always want to make progress, so what's the answer? Jump to another task.

After finishing one year's processetti, I went back to my list of people missing citations. (Find out how to generate your list in "These Steps Make Your Family Tree Much More Valuable"). Then I picked off people whose early birth records were already cited. All I had to do was track down their marriage and death records. That made me happy because the hard part was already done.

Reap the Benefits of Efficiency

If you're ever frustrated by your genealogy research, try adding these efficiency measures. Don't follow whims and bounce all around. It's inefficient! Focus on what you need to do to increase the value of your family tree. Always remember that your family tree is your legacy.

Pay attention to what you're doing and look for ways to save steps, reduce keystrokes, form a production line, and stay happy. Of course you're happy. You're doing genealogy! Best. Puzzle. Ever.

06 August 2024

Time-Travel With Vintage Landmark Photos

Take a virtual trip back in time to see world-famous landmarks, cities, and your own hometown the way your ancestors saw them.
Take a virtual trip back in time to see world-famous landmarks, cities, and your own hometown the way your ancestors saw them.

I was looking at an 1850 photo of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Then I looked at a similar photo I took in 2015. European landmarks don't change that much. If they survived wars, they're still there, looking as grand as ever.

America is different. It's all about change. We demolish our sports arenas every 30 years or so and rebuild. My mom's childhood home is long gone, replaced by a school sports field. Even our family churches are gone or repurposed.

I started my time travel adventure with a landmark church a few miles from my home. The Library of Congress website has a 1907 photo of Trinity Church. To compare that photo to more modern times, I used Google Street View and captured the same angle. The house next door and 3 tall monuments are the same. But the fence is gone, the large bell is new, and the telephone pole wires are really ugly.

Some of the more startling photos you'll find in this virtual time machine show famous landmarks with almost nothing around them. That's how they looked to your ancestors.
Some of the more startling photos you'll find in this virtual time machine show famous landmarks with almost nothing around them. That's how they looked to your ancestors.

Here are six other websites where you can look at old photos of landmarks that mean something to you.

Redbook's "Vintage Photos of Cities Around the World"

This collection of 30 old photos covers many destinations you may have visited. Number 20, Québec City, looks exactly as it did when I visited in 2017. The end of town in the photo has a landmark hotel that, thankfully, still looks the same.

Condé Nast Traveler's "Vintage Photos of the World's Most Famous Landmarks"

Seeing the Golden Gate Bridge under construction looks like a modern-day disaster film. The photo of people hanging out of the Statue of Liberty's crown makes me dizzy. This collection has a lot of Italian landmarks I've visited. It's fun to see them pictured decades ago.

MSN's "Then and now: vintage photos"

This slide show let's you compare then and now. The before-and-after of Dubai is particularly jaw-dropping. The Times Square photos show what my immigrant ancestors saw when they arrived. The high-angle photos of the Arc de Triomphe point out one key change Paris made to this landmark.

BoredPanda's "31 Before-And-After Pics"

Several cities in this group changed so much, they've rewritten the book on city planning. The 1945 photo of Berlin is frightening because you can see so much destruction. But the "now" photo is from the 1990s. Some of the comments on this page are funny, too.


This interactive website lets you set a time range and zoom into the map. Pick any location with a dot to view photos. I found photos of The Dakota, where John and Yoko lived, with no other buildings around it in 1920. I'm not sure Central Park West was even paved. And I found a beautiful photo of New York's Plaza Hotel in 1908. It's more impressive than I remember.

One more.

Far & Wide's "Then and Now Pictures of Cities"

This page features a jam-packed photo of New York City in 1904 that I can't even imagine. Street cars, horses and wagons, early automobiles, and pedestrians, all on a collision course. It looks terrifying.

I've been tracking down DNA matches (see "How to Solve a DNA Match Using Shared Matches") and finding living relatives (see "6 Steps to Finding Your Living Cousins") for weeks. This week I'll get back to adding missing source citations (see "3 Important Tips for Great Genealogy Source Citations"). This then-and-now journey is both a nice break and a cool way to understand how your ancestors lived and what they saw.

30 July 2024

6 Steps to Finding Your Living Cousins

When you search for contemporary cousins, your family tree really comes to life.
When you search for contemporary cousins, your family tree really comes to life.

I'm coming to the end of my one-month subscription to Ancestry Pro Tools. I took the important step of following blog reader Jon Smith's suggestion. I used the "Ancestry DNA Match Table Maker" spreadsheet to download all my matches. (This powerful tool is the creation of Greg Clarke.) Now I have one spreadsheet with 4 tabs containing every DNA match for myself, Mom, Dad, and my husband.

I went through my parents' matches sharing 30 cM or more with them and color-coded everyone who's also on my list. Then I used a neat Excel trick to display those people's research notes from my tab on Mom or Dad's tabs. That ensures that I can see who I've identified and what I know about their families. (Leave a comment if you want me to explain this trick.)

Using tips I shared with you last week (see "How to Solve a DNA Match Using Shared Matches"), I've solved a ton of matches. I've discovered cousins I never knew existed! I solved matches who were a complete mystery with the help of Enhanced Shared Matches.

Researching Living People

I'm so used to researching my long-dead Italian relatives. My recent focus on DNA matches has me locating living people for the first time. I didn't realize how much success I could have in researching the living.

Here are 6 steps to follow when searching for living cousins:

  1. Start with an ancestor you can identify. I know, tons of your matches have no family tree to show. But what if their first cousin does? Look for an ancestor you can pin down using a search.
  2. Gather every document for that ancestor: immigration, naturalization, censuses, draft registration cards, death records or indexes.
  3. Build out their family members through the years using the censuses you found. Add to their details with individual searches for each family member. See who they married and which kids they had.
  4. Look for an obituary with the names of children and their spouses, grandchildren, and hometowns. OMG do I love a good obituary! My newspapers.com subscription is essential here. You can't get the full story from an obituary summary. Which names are the deceased's children and which are spouses? I've also been following my own advice to extract text from an obituary instead of retyping it.
  5. Search public index records, marriage indexes and announcements, school yearbooks, and more to confirm all you can about family members.
  6. Turn to social media to see who you can find. If available, look at their friends and see who comments on their photos. Did the subject post a photo of dad, and did someone comment on it using the dad's name? That's exactly what cracked one mystery DNA match for me.

Discovering Where Your Paths Crossed

Using this process, I've ID'd DNA matches who helped me find my ancestors' lost cousins. Who knew one of mom's Saviano cousins wound up in Cleveland, not far from where dad once lived? A DNA match helped me find my connection (7C1R) to a former bishop of Cleveland I'd heard about many years ago. And I found that my brother went to high school in New Jersey with one of our 7th cousins. You never know where your cousins may be.

This is the value of DNA matches for me. My direct ancestor chart is in fantastic shape. But this research tells me what became of my direct ancestors' closest relatives. It's an exciting, coincidence-filled journey.

In a week I'll return to adding source citations for my thousands of Italian nationals, and doing it efficiently. But I'll also take every opportunity to follow the families of those who emigrated to America.

If you're interested in finding living cousins you've never met, the tools you need are out there.