19 March 2024

5 Tips for Success with Italian Vital Records

In 2009 I began a long process of viewing 1809–1860 vital records from my grandfather's hometown. I had to pay to view the microfilmed records at a Family History Center on crummy old equipment once or twice a week. In 2017 the same documents came online in pristine high resolution.

I didn't begin this journey with any knowledge of Italian vital records. I figured it out with experience. And so can you—especially with these 5 tips for success.

These 5 tips will make you an Italian vital record expert.
These 5 tips will make you an Italian vital record expert.

1. You Need to Know the Name of the Town

Before you can find a vital record for your Italian ancestor, you must know their hometown. Why? Because they keep vital records in a book. One book per year, one type of record (birth, marriage, or death) per book. And each book is for ONE TOWN only.

I'm lucky my grandfathers were vocal about the names of their hometowns. My grandmothers were another story. On one side, we had my great grandmother's obsolete town name in her heavy accent. It took some sleuthing to figure that one out, but I did (read how in "Case Study on 'What If There's No There There?'"). On the other side, we had one generalization and one misunderstood town name.

As recently as 2002, my grandmother's sister said what I'd always heard about her side of the family. They came from Pastina (like the tiny star-shaped pasta, but accent on the PAS) and Avellino. There are a few towns in Italy named Pastina, plus the similar Pastena and Pastene. It was my family's 1898 ship manifest that pinpointed the location. It's Pastene, a hamlet of the town on their ship manifest: Sant'Angelo a Cupolo.

As for Avellino, it's both a city and a province filled with about 118 towns. I used an unlikely resource to find out which town in Avellino is my ancestral hometown. My great grandmother's brother's World War II draft registration card said he was born in Tofo, Avellino. There is no Tofo, but there's a Tufo, and that's where I found his birth record. (See "Case Study on 'Where Did Grandpa Come From?'") But his parents, my 2nd great grandparents, did not marry there. The Tufo vital records led me to the neighboring town of Santa Paolina, Avellino. That's where I found their 1871 marriage record.

So, before you search for any Italian vital records, figure out that town name. See "6 Places to Discover Your Ancestor's Town of Birth."

2. Learn a Few Basic Words

I didn't know how to read Italian vital records when I began. But I dove right in and learned how. The most important thing you can do is learn:

  • Numbers. Years are rarely written out in digits. You won't see 1836. You'll see milleottocento trentasei. A person's age is also written in longhand most of the time.
  • Months. The Italian word for each month is not so different than the English word. Once you run through the list (linked below), febbraio, settembre, novembre, etc., should not slow you down.
  • Relationship words. Make note of the most common relationship words found on vital records and you'll soon get used to them. Padre and madre should come as no surprise, but you need to know:
    • vedovo/vedova (widower/widow)
    • marito (husband)
    • moglie (wife)
    • avo/ava (grandfather/grandmother)
    • zio/zia (uncle/aunt)
    • padre ignoto (father unknown), madre ignoto (mother unknown), genitori ignoti (parents unknown)
    • levatrice or ostetrica (midwife)
    • projetto/a or proietto/a (foundling)

For all these words and more, go to the Italian Genealogical Word List on FamilySearch.org.

As you go along, you'll see that different types of records have their own format. On birth records, you'll first find the name, occupation, and age of the person reporting the birth. It's usually the father of the baby, but it can be the midwife or a grandparent of the baby. Then you'll see the mother's name, occupation, and age, and finally the actual date of birth and the baby's name.

Death records begin with a couple of witnesses. They do not have to be relatives, and usually aren't. Then comes the name of the deceased and their father and mother's names.

Marriage records tell you the groom's name and details, including his parents' names. Then comes the same information about the bride.

Practice picking out the key words, and don't get bogged down in all the boilerplate language. Remember: Any word or name is a shape. You can recognize that the shape of my name, DiAnn, is different than the shape of my aunt's name, Stella. Your job is to scan a vital record for the shape you're looking to find.

Remember, too, that a lot of people in any given town may have the same name. When this happens, a person's name is followed by their father's name. Samuele Consolazio is listed as Samuele Consolazio di Florentino. If Florentino were dead at the time, it would say Samuele Consolazio fu Florentino. This can be a very valuable clue.

3. Find the Index Pages

Whether you're looking on the essential Antenati, FamilySearch, or elsewhere, a search-by-name is never enough. The reason is simple. Not every document is searchable by name. You're going to have to put your eyes on the pages.

Most often you'll find a name index at the back of each vital records book. Sometimes, though, the index comes first or it's near (not at) the end. Keep in mind:

  • The index may list the names:
    • Chronologically by date of birth, marriage, or death.
    • Alphabetically by first name.
    • Alphabetically by last name.
  • If it's a list of marriages, the man's name always comes first. Sometimes the index omits the bride altogether.
  • The best indexes will name the person and their parents (or at least their father). That way, if you're looking for Giuseppe Bianco who was the son of Giovanni, you don't have to waste time paging through to see a record for Giuseppe Bianco who was the son of Nicola.

Do not for a moment think you can't find what you want in an index because you don't read Italian. You can read Italian names! Giuseppe, Giovanni, Pietro, Annamaria, Mariangela, Liberantonia. Do you need to understand Italian to read those names? Scour the index for the name you're seeking. Then see if the index gives you either a record number or a date to go to in the book.

4. Don't Believe Their Age

If a marriage record states the bride and groom's ages, they're pretty reliable. Why? Because a couple marrying in Italy had to provide their birth record. People didn't have their birth certificates at home like we do. But a clerk would locate the original record and write out a copy.

In my experience, the stated ages on death records in the 1930s and 1940s are also reliable. I've never found one that was more than a year off.

The rest of the time, do not take the stated age as gospel. Many people honestly didn't know how old they were! In my ancestral hometowns, nearly everyone was illiterate. They were hard-working farmers or tradespeople. It's not like today where every visit to the doctor or drug store requires you to give your date of birth. They could easily forget how old they were. Even I have to do the math if you ask me how old my husband is.

Here's a good rule to follow: The earlier a clerk records someone's age, the more reliable it is. Let's say a baby is born in 1822 and the birth record says both parents are 40 years old. That would mean they were born in 1782. Then you find a much earlier baby, born to the same couple in 1810. The record says both parents are 22 years old. That means they were born in 1788.

The 1810 record is more reliable because the couple has had less time to forget when they were born. If you're only 22 years old, you're more like to be correct when stating your age than you are 12 years later.

It's very common to find a person's age misstated on their death record (outside of the 1930s and 1940s). So, believe the earlier record. If their child's birth record says they were born in 1788, but their death record says 1782, believe the earlier document.

5. Go Through All the Marriage Documents

Depending on the year and the town, you may find a jackpot of records associated with the marriages. These are called the matrimoni allegati or the matrimoni processetti. They're not kept with the marriage record or the banns (the matrimoni pubblicazioni).

This valuable packet of documents can include:

  • The bride and groom's birth/baptism records.
  • The death record of either mother, giving you her parents' names.
  • The death record of either father, as well as their fathers' death records. Now you know the names of the bride and/or groom's paternal great grandparents!
  • The death record of a previous spouse. If there were 2 previous spouses, you'll see only the more recent one's death record.

One of my ancestral hometowns in Benevento has matrimoni processetti online for 1817–1860. My ancestral hometown in Avellino has no processetti at all! But most of that town's marriage records include all the pertinent dates of birth and death.

I recently discovered that one of my great uncles married a woman from a neighboring town. That town's matrimoni processetti gave me the names of a pair of my missing 5th great grandparents!

I see people asking for an Italian vital record translation every single day on Facebook. I'm happy to help them, but I believe they're not really trying. If you do only one thing from this list, it should be #2: Learn a Few Basic Words. Don't let another language frighten you—especially a language that uses your alphabet. Train yourself to scan for familiar shapes: names, numbers, months, relationship words. If you can do that, you'll be able to handle almost every document all by yourself. And think how far you'll get!

12 March 2024

3 Important Tips for Great Genealogy Source Citations

Two weeks ago I wrote about "5 Ways to Find Loose Ends in Your Family Tree." Since then I've been having fun doing just that. I sorted the people in my family tree by birth date and focused on anyone with an incomplete birth date. (For example, 1870 instead of 12 Mar 1870.) Then I searched for the missing birth record for each person.

Many of these people were not born in my ancestral hometowns, which explains the missing date. Luckily, I often had evidence to suggest which town they came from. A marriage record or banns can include the hometown of the other spouse. In other cases, I used the Cognomix website to see which nearby town this person's last name may have come from.

To my joy and amazement, I've been having fantastic luck tracking these people down! While it would be easy to get carried away and forget about source citations, I know better. The very first thing I do when I find one of these birth records is capture the URL. In my case, they all come from the Italian Antenati website. The date, town, and URL are all I need to create a source citation.

So let's talk about source citations. You don't want to get into a situation where you have to re-create your search in order to get the details for a citation. It's far more efficient to make sure you do it in the moment.

Here are your 3 important tips for great source citations:

Your family tree source citations don't have to be a dreaded chore. Follow these 3 tips to firm up your genealogy research.
Your family tree source citations don't have to be a dreaded chore. Follow these 3 tips to firm up your genealogy research.

1. Follow a Document-Handling Routine

I know what it's like to find a set of documents that will add so many details to your family tree. You're so excited that you want to jump ahead and find the next document. But slow down! Follow a process for each new document you find—when you find it—and you will reap the benefits.

When you read through my 6-step document-handling routine, you may feel overwhelmed. But once it becomes second nature, you won't give it another thought. The benefits outweigh the burden, and this will be clear to you, too.

Take a look at "Step-by-Step Source Citations for Your Family Tree," follow the process, and you'll never have any regrets.

2. Develop a Format and Stick to It

A long time ago I wrote about my super-simple format for source citations. But the minute I needed to locate a document online that I downloaded long ago, I saw the problem with this format. I knew my citations needed more detail.

Then my Family Tree Maker file became corrupted, wrecking my existing citations. So I began the process of building improved source citations. To see what goes into this process, please read "Take the Time to Improve the Sources in Your Family Tree."

I believe consistency is crucial to a high-quality family tree. To see what I mean, read "Add Consistency to Your Source Citations." And when you read it, know that my family tree just topped 78,000 people.

3. Seek Out More Reliable Sources

Many times I find that family trees built on Ancestry.com have a fact that I could use in my tree. But when I look at their source, it's the generic "Ancestry Family Trees." This isn't a reliable source. And neither are the details given to me by my cousin Joseph, despite his incredible memory.

I wanted to improve upon word-of-mouth or second-hand sources.

It's important to your family tree that you:

An image of Grandpa's death certificate is more reliable than my memory of that day. The middle name on an image of Grandma's birth record is more reliable than what she claimed was her middle name. Sometimes all it takes to get better sources is a new search.

I hope you'll take these processes to heart and create source citations that will stand the test of time. Your family tree is your legacy. It will be out there after you're gone. Sure, some URLs may not work in the future. But the details you've recorded will point future genealogists to the source. Let's all do our best genealogy work.

05 March 2024

8 Tips for Researching Your Immigrant Ancestor

When my son's fiancé lost her father in 2021, I offered to research her family tree. It's become something of a tradition for me. I did the same for my brother's wife, my 1st cousins, and last week for my 2nd cousins when their father died.

For my son's fiancé, you have to go back to generation 12 in her ancestors report to learn that her last name is French. In generation 13, we see she's a descendant of the Dutch/German family Rittenhouse. That's a very famous family in Philadelphia. My sister-in-law's German/Jewish origin shows up in her 2nd great grandfather, born in 1853.

But for my all-Italian cousins, the immigrant experience is much closer:

  • My 1st cousins' father immigrated as an infant in 1929.
  • My 2nd cousins' grandfather immigrated in 1920.
  • My grandfathers immigrated in 1914 and 1920.
An immigrant ancestor may be the key to your family tree. These 8 tips help you find them.
An immigrant ancestor may be the key to your family tree. These 8 tips help you find them.

While researching your immigrant ancestors, it's important to:

  1. Understand the local immigration laws when your ancestor arrived. If your ancestors came to America, take a look at how easy it was, as long as you weren't Chinese. See "How Did Immigration Laws Guide Your Ancestors?"
  2. Pull every available fact from the ship manifest. I love the Ellis Island ship manifests because they contain a ton of details. To make sure you don't overlook any, see "6 Key Genealogy Facts on a Ship Manifest." If your ancestors came earlier than 1892, you'll find far fewer details.
  3. Read about the immigrant processing experience. At Ellis Island, doctors spent an average of 6 seconds inspecting each immigrant. They deported only 2% of immigrants back to their country of origin. Two percent! These people were ill, likely to become a public charge, or had stowed away aboard the ship. To find out more about the experience, see "5 Ellis Island Videos Dispel Immigration Myths."
  4. Learn about the history of your ancestor's country at the time they left. Something was going on at home that compelled your ancestor to leave. No one leaves home when conditions are fine. Read "Why Did Your Ancestor Leave Home?"
  5. Look for more than one voyage. My maternal 2nd great grandfather Antonio was my first immigrant ancestor. He came to New York in 1890, 1892, and 1895 before going back to Italy to retrieve his family in 1898. My paternal great grandfather Francesco came to America in 1903, 1909, 1913, and 1929. He never stayed long. He earned some money and went back home to his family in Italy. His immigration records showed me that his final trip was to visit my grandfather and aunt in Ohio. Read "Great Grandpa Was a Bird of Passage" for a look at serial immigrants like Francesco.
  6. Check for more than a ship manifest. When my mom's 1st cousin's husband died, I researched his family. His naturalization papers provided a wealth of information. If you can't find their ship manifest, look for naturalization papers. They can tell you the name of the ship and date of its arrival, and tons more about the family. Find out what you can learn by reading "Here's Why Genealogists Love Immigrants." And don't forget passport applications. It's amazing when you get your first look at a photograph of your relative on their application.
  7. See who sailed with your relatives. I discovered a "lost" branch of my family when I looked into the people sailing with my family. One had my family name of Saviano, and the other had a name I knew was from the same town. See how I used clues to finally explain our relationship to our cousin Rita. Read "Why You Should Track Down the Extra Cousin."
  8. Take a look at other countries. Immigration restrictions may have led your ancestor's brother to sail to another country. I have cousins who went to Canada when they couldn't get into America. Others went to Brazil and Argentina. To find those who went to South America, see:

Ship manifests and naturalization papers are priceless to your family history research. Your immigrant ancestor connects you to your ancestral homeland. For some people, like my son's fiancé, finding that immigrant is their first clue to their origins. She had no idea she was French, German, and Dutch. My brother's wife didn't know her ancestors were Jewish because her father wasn't.

Remember these 8 tips for researching your immigrant ancestor. Don't leave any facts on the table!

27 February 2024

5 Ways to Find Loose Ends in Your Family Tree

After fitting 95% of the people from 3 of my ancestral hometowns into my family tree, I was eager for more. Now I'm working on a town I expected to be a problem. This town was part of the Papal State, owned by the church itself. They didn't keep civil records before 1861. (See "Becoming Italian Was a Long, Hard Journey.") I figured I'd never get very far since there are no vital records for my 3rd great grandparents and above.

But I found a couple of entry points. Two spouses of my closest relatives had families I could search for in the documents. Before I knew it, I was adding between 100 and 300 people a day to my family tree. For each of those spouses:

  • I found their birth record and recorded the facts.
  • Added their parents.
  • Found all their siblings.
  • Documented the families of the siblings' spouses.

It adds up fast.

Things got so hectic that I worried about dropping the ball. Did I follow up on all the marriages I discovered? Did I forget to find someone's father's birth record? Did I miss anyone because of a name variation?

That's when I started thinking about these 5 ways to find the loose ends in your family tree. You can use these methods to find the avenues you left unexplored.

Sometimes tying up a loose end in your family tree can break down that brick wall.
Sometimes tying up a loose end in your family tree can break down that brick wall.

Online-only trees won't give you the sorting tools you'll need. If that's your case, download a GEDCOM file of your tree and open it in desktop family tree software or in Family Tree Analyzer (see "This Genealogy Report Shows You What's Missing").

1. Sort by Birth Date

Sort the people in your family tree by birth date. Before you go any further, everyone in your tree needs at least an estimated year of birth. The bigger your tree, the more important this is. Scroll to the bottom of your list of people. If anyone has no date at all, give them an estimate. Here are my rules for choosing an estimated birth year:

  • If you know their spouse's birth year, give them about the same year (e.g., Abt. 1924).
  • If you know the year either of their parents was born, make them about 25 years younger than the younger parent.
  • If you know the year their eldest child was born, make them about 25 years older than that child.

Now look at your list for incomplete and estimated dates. Think about the resources you might use to fill in those dates. The majority of my tree came from Italy or the Bronx. I know I can find:

  • Bronx birth records for 1872–1873, 1876, 1888–1891, and 1895–1909.
  • Bronx death records for 1898–1948.
  • Bronx marriage records for 1898–1937.
  • Italian birth records (for most of my ancestral towns) for 1809–1915 with some gaps.
  • Italian death records and marriage records (for most of my ancestral towns) for 1809–1860 and 1931–1942.

If you found some of your relatives in one record collection, see which other years are available. You may have people in your tree that you can locate in that record collection.

You know the primary locations in your family tree. Check online again to see which vital records are available to you.

2. Sort by Death Date

I have tons of people in my family tree with no death date at all. They're easy to spot when you sort your list of people by death date. As I mentioned, most of my Italian towns don't have death records available for 1861–1930. But I also have lots of people who died in the United States, and for some, I have only a partial or estimated death date. It's time to pick these people out of the list and give them a fresh search. Maybe a new database has the answers we need.

3. Sort by Marriage Date

When I sorted the people in my family tree by marriage date, I saw a long list of people with "1813" as their marriage date. I double-checked the Italian website (Antenati) to make sure those records are missing. (See "How to Make the Best of the New Antenati Website.") What I found online makes me think the Antenati team doesn't know they made a mistake. They have the combined 1813–1814 birth records labeled as marriage records.

I'll focus on Americans in my tree and search for 20th- and 21st-century marriage dates. My sons have some English ancestors whose marriages I can search for, too.

4. Sort by Missing Names

Recently I mentioned that I record unknown first names and last names as a blank (_____). That's 5 underscores. This is a tip from Ancestry's chief genealogist, Crista Cowan. (See "These Tips Find Missing Maiden Names.") I can sort my list of people by first name or last name and all the blanks are at the top of the list. When I did a fresh search for everyone missing a last name, I cut the list roughly in half.

There may be record collections that are newer than the last time you searched for these people. Give them another search.

5. Keep a Running List

This is something I don't do often enough. Now I see how critical it can be.

On my 4th day of adding hundreds of people to my family tree from one Italian town, I got overwhelmed. As I'm searching for siblings or children, I leave open the record of anyone who needs more research. Usually that's a birth record with a marriage annotation in the column. I leave the document open until I research the spouse and their family from that marriage note.

Using this method, one person (like Vincenzo's wife) can keep me on the hunt for hours.

On Friday at 5 p.m., I was getting tired of the research and wanted to pack it in for the day. But I had at least a dozen documents open, each needed a lot more research. The only way to keep from losing my place was to make the following list of leads to follow next time:

  • add Angelo Michele Barricelli's family (husband of Marta Maria Salerno)
  • add Filomena dePierro's family (wife of Giuseppe Vinciguerra)
  • add children of Nascenzio Vinciguerra and Angela Gaudino
  • add Maria Carmela Santucci's family (wife of Agostino Gaudino)
  • add Anniballo Iscaro's family (husband of Rosa dell'Oste)
  • add Caterina Pasquarelli's family (wife of Martino dell'Oste)
  • add Maria Saveria deFiore's family (wife of Michelangelo delNinno)
  • get military record for Alvino Alfonso Salerno, born 1887, died in WWI
  • get military record for Gennaro Repole, born 1889, died in WWI

Those two World War I deaths came to my attention because of a note on their child's birth record. I did download the 2 Italian military records (see "Free Italian Military Records for WWI and WWII"). But the other 7 lines represent a ton of people who belong in my family tree.

I can't stress the importance of this list enough.

As you work through the first 4 ways to find loose ends, keep a simple running list of what you need to do next. Let's say I'm working on "add children of Nascenzio Vinciguerra and Angela Gaudino." It looks as if they have 6 kids, and some have a marriage noted. Let's say I'm in the middle of it when my research gets interrupted. This is when it's very important to add notes to your running research list. I'll have to add the names of the kids whose in-laws are still in need of research.

If your family tree is somewhat small, you can spend time on each family unit and seek out what's missing. But my tree is way beyond that. Currently boasting 76,611 people, I can't hope to make every single family complete. I can do it for my closer relatives, but not for everyone.

If you have any other methods for finding people in need of research, please let me know in the comments.

20 February 2024

4 Ways to Safeguard Your Digital Family Tree

Imagine starting up your computer to add a new baby cousin to your family tree. But all you see is a File Not Found error. Nooooo! Panicked doesn't begin to describe how sick you feel.

I'm someone who curses a blue streak in the face of computer problems. I can't describe the pain in my head and stomach at these times. That's why I take extreme precautions with my digital family tree files. (And many other types of computer files, too.)

To avoid disaster, here are 4 crucial ways you can safeguard your digital family tree files. Get started before disaster strikes!

Keep your family tree safe in a virtual vault with these 4 methods.
Keep your family tree safe in a virtual vault with these 4 methods.

1. Take advantage of cloud storage

Important! Your desktop family tree program should NEVER open your cloud-stored files. The cloud will try to update your file while you have it open, and corrupt your file. This happened to me.

You must open the file from a computer folder that does NOT get backed up to the cloud automatically. When you're done for the day, close your file and exit your software. Then you copy the family tree file and paste it into a folder that does get backed up automatically. Also, make sure your family tree software stores its own copy of every image you put in your tree. Don't point to their location if that location is a cloud folder; let the software make its own copy.

I use Microsoft Outlook for email, and Outlook will not let me work with a mailbox file that's on the cloud. My backup routine includes exiting Outlook and copying the file to a cloud location. This is true for other programs, too.

With that understood, you should use a cloud storage program for your non-active files. My Family Tree folder contains sub-folders for the types of documents I gather. These include:

  • ship manifests
  • censuses
  • vital records
  • naturalization papers
  • draft cards
  • and so much more.

These images are separate from those Family Tree Maker stores in your tree's media folder. (The media folder must not be on the cloud.)

I use Microsoft OneDrive because it comes with my subscription to Office 365. An added benefit of any cloud storage is that I can access any of my cloud files from my travel laptop.

To decide which cloud program is right for you, read "How to Back Up Your Family Tree Files Automatically."

2. Copy files to external drives often

Decades ago a client told me kept copies of his important information in 3 places. One of those places needed to be offsite in case of fire.

My cloud storage is the offsite location. My important files are on my desktop computer, of course. Plus I make a weekly backup to 2 one-terabyte external drives.

Each Sunday morning I back up my family tree, financial, and email files to these external drives. If you work on your tree a lot, a weekly backup is so important. I've had days where I added hundreds of people to my tree. I don't want to lose that much work!

To read about my backup routine, see "This 3-Step Backup Routine Protects Your Family Tree."

3. Export a GEDCOM after each session

I used to export a GEDCOM file from Family Tree Maker only when I wanted to do something in Family Tree Analyzer. Then I realized the value of always having an up-to-date GEDCOM. Now I export one at the end of each day's Family Tree Maker session. (You can export a GEDCOM from your online-only tree, too.)

When I'm done for the day, I export a GEDCOM and make 2 kinds of backup files: one with and one without all the media. My tree is so big that a backup with media is about 12 gigabytes, so I only keep 2 full backups and delete any older ones.

GEDCOM files use an industry-standard format. You can open it with any family tree software or upload it to a family tree website. It's so easy to export one, why wouldn't you do it after every session?

To see my full backup process, read "9 Steps to Really Safeguard Your Family Tree."

4. Publish your family tree in more than one place

A while ago I had a series of mishaps while trying to sync my Family Tree Maker file with Ancestry.com. Then MacKiev improved the FTM sync function dramatically. So I'm back to syncing every morning.

But when I had these problems, I stopped syncing my FTM tree with Ancestry for quite a while. I found another website, Geneanet.org, where I could overwrite my tree each day with a new GEDCOM. This now serves as a public-facing backup for my family tree. And it puts more international eyes on my research, too. The one thing I haven't been able to manage is to upload all my document images to Geneanet. The instructions don't seem to work for me, and I don't see how they make sense.

I won't put my family tree on any site that lets other people try to "collaborate" with or overwrite me. I made the mistake of putting my tree on Geni years ago. Each time someone wants me to update a person on Geni, I relinquish ownership of that person. (They're always people from a huge branch I lopped off years ago.)

To understand how and why to use Geneanet, see "A Major Family Tree Change to Fix an Ongoing Problem."

If you love genealogy, the loss of your research files would devastate you. Get busy and safeguard your digital family tree files today.

13 February 2024

These Tips Find Missing Maiden Names

Last weekend I cut my list of missing maiden names in half. It was exhilarating! I use Crista Cowan's method and mark missing names in my family tree with _____ (5 underscores). That makes it easy to find everyone who's missing a name. They're all at the top of the alphabetical list of names.

By the way, if you're using a woman's married name in your tree because you don't know her maiden name, STOP IT. The tree already tells you who she married.

I did a new search for each person in my tree with a missing last name. You may be thinking, "I already searched for them." Don't let that stop you from trying again. There are new records available, and new family trees to give you the hints you need.

Let's look at the best places to find those missing maiden names.

Her maiden name is missing from your family tree…for now.
Her maiden name is missing from your family tree…for now.

Hiding in Plain Sight

In "5 Ways to Find Your Female Relative's Married or Maiden Name," we looked at how 5 types of records can lead to that missing name. (Read it now for details.) Every search you do may include these types of records in the results. Be sure to follow through on all the leads.

Sources Get Expanded

A month after I started this blog in 2017, I wrote about a tremendous maiden name. (See "This Expanded Resource Provided an Elusive Maiden Name.") The Social Security Applications and Claims Index helped me unlock my 2nd great grandmother Caruso's branch of the family tree. While searching for her brother Giuseppe, I found 3 different transcriptions of his mother's maiden name:

  • The Social Security Applications and Claims Index called her Gilardo.
  • Another record index called her Girandiu.
  • His death certificate Americanized her last name to Gerard.

When I repeated the 3 versions aloud, it made me think of then-Yankees manager Joe Girardi. Girardi! Could that be her name? A search of immigration records told me that the name Girardi does come from my Caruso hometown. And then the Antenati website came online! I found everything I needed and took Maria Rosa Caruso's branch of the family tree back 5 generations.

Search Using Her Married Name

Another article, "6 Places to Find Your Ancestor's Maiden Name," adds immigration records, passport applications, and naturalization papers to the list of missing name resources. Be sure to read that article for helpful hints.

Naturalization papers helped me find a man's missing first name this weekend. And a lot more! His wife was my relative (Maria Luigia Sarracino). Her mother's Bronx death certificate said Maria Luigia's married name was deMatteis. But I had no information on her husband at all.

It seems Mr. and Mrs. deMatteis each filed separately for their U.S. citizenship. On her papers, I saw his first name was Pietro. Hurray! Now, where did he come from? His naturalization papers had very specific facts, including:

  • his birth date
  • the couple's marriage date
  • the names and birth dates of their 4 children.

Using his date of immigration, I found his ship manifest and learned his hometown. That let me go get his Italian birth record.

Then I realized I could search for the couple's marriage record. (I used the Search By Name feature on the NYC Municipal Archives website.) When I found it, I couldn't believe my eyes! The female witness to the marriage was my great aunt, Stella Sarracino! The bride lived across the street from my Sarracino family.

Is this the clue I've been waiting for? Is Maria Luigia Sarracino my great grandfather's 1st cousin? It's certainly possible. If she is, then I now know the name of my only missing 3rd great grandparent: Giuseppa Torrico. I don't know if any records can prove this for sure, but I'll keep searching.

I'm sure you're missing maiden names in your family tree. The extremely early names may be lost forever, but the rest are out there somewhere. Take the time to give them each a new, comprehensive search.