16 July 2024

Are Ancestry Pro Tools Worth the Money?

A woman holds a credit card while deciding whether to make a purchase on her computer.
Here's how the new features of Ancestry Pro Tools stack up. Are they worth the price?

When I heard you can sign up for Ancestry Pro Tools for one month and then quit, I knew I had to try out their new features. My main interest is to see how my DNA matches match to one another. This can help you understand which of matches share a common ancestor with each other. That can help you see where they fit in your family tree.

The other Pro Tools give you desktop-like tools for your online-only family tree.

What's Included in Pro Tools?

  • Charts & Reports. Family Tree Maker (FTM) provides the same reports as Pro Tools. I'm sure other family tree software programs do, too. A computer-based family tree program is better than building your tree online in so many ways.
  • Tree Mapper. This feature has a cool visual representation and several types of filters. But I can do this in the Places tab of FTM. Or you can get really fancy and use this free program.
  • Smart Filters. If you use MyTreeTags™ on Ancestry, this is a nice way to see everyone with a particular tag. But I don't use the tags. I didn't see any filters that offer me something I'd like to do but can't do in FTM.
  • Tree Checker. This tool's main finding about my tree is that tons of people have no documentation. Yeah, tell me about it! I've been creating source citations for weeks. It also thinks I have 7,040 possible duplicates. I don't. We've all seen towns where everyone has the same name. As I scroll through this list of people, it's plain to see they all have different birth dates. This feature isn't helping me. It can also find many types of errors, and that may seem like a big help. But we already have Family Tree Analyzer to do that for us.
  • Tree Insights. These factoids are not something I can generate within FTM, but I've used Family Tree Analyzer to do so. I can't say it's useful. This tool is showing me:
    • the top 5 surnames in my tree
    • the 5 longest-living people in my tree (they're only that old because I can't find out when they died)
    • the 5 couples with the most children
    • the 5 youngest brides or grooms
  • Fan Chart Settings. I like the look of the Fan Chart in Ancestry much more than the one in FTM. But the Pro Tools add-ons to the existing Ancestry Fan Chart don't do anything very useful:
    • You can choose the number of generations to display (4, 5, 6, or 7). I have more generations than that.
    • You can show Family Lines, which gives a different color to each of your 4 grandparents' ancestors. I think the non-Pro version does that.
    • If you choose the Hints setting, it uses varying shades of green to show you who has a lot of hints and who has few or none. The Photos setting and Sources setting does the same thing. A range of colors show you the haves and have-nots.
    But check out the more-detailed fan chart I created a long time ago using Charting Companion software.

For me, none of those tools are worth a recurring cost. That brings me back to the reason I jumped on a $7 sale for one month of Ancestry Pro Tools: Enhanced Shared Matches.

For years I've wanted to know why my parents share some DNA with one another. I had to see what Enhanced Shared Matches could do for me. (Note: Each of my parents took an AncestryDNA test, and I manage their kits.)

After a long and frustrating day of comparing Mom and Dad's DNA matches, I came up empty. My problem is the family's IBS segments—that's Identical By State. All my ancestors came from the same small geographical area. These small bits of shared DNA are more from the land itself than blood relationships.

My parents' shared DNA matches need to be my focus. As I worked through them, I hit so many with dead ends in their tree that I couldn't resolve. Do those dead ends hold the magic key?

I don't want to lose the extra insights from Enhanced Shared Matches, but I don't want to pay for it again. What to do? Make a new spreadsheet, of course!

Step 1. Document their Shared Matches

Looking at Dad's shared matches with Mom, I find a list of 21 people, but I'll exclude myself and make it 20 people.

I'll start a new spreadsheet with Dad in column A and Mom in column C. In column B, I'll enter the name of each shared match. I can also add what I know about them, if I've figured out their relationship to me.

Two spreadsheets compare shared DNA among multiple people.
Capture and analyze the insights of Enhanced Shared Matches in a spreadsheet while you can.

In each cell of the spreadsheet:

  • I'll list the number of shared cMs and Ancestry's predicted relationship.
  • I'll note which side of Dad and Mom's families they're on: Maternal, Paternal, Both Sides, or Unassigned. I have to view Mom and Dad's match lists separately for this.

The first big surprise is that I see a lot more shared matches when I view Mom's DNA test. What the heck? I started with Dad's match list because he has more matches than Mom or me. Nine shared matches from Dad's list are not in Mom's list at all.

It makes sense that this is a built-in 20 cM cut off. The 9 people in Dad's list only have fewer than 20 cMs shared with him. The 30 or so people in Mom's list only have fewer than 20 cMs shared with her. I should concentrate on the 11 shared matches with whom both Mom and Dad share 20 or more cMs. The low-cM shared matches must be Identical By State.

These people with the smaller amounts of shared DNA escaped me in the past. I don't know if the Enhanced Shared Matches Pro Tool is the reason I'm seeing them now.

Step 2. Document Highest Shared Matches of the Top 11 People

In the same Excel workbook, I'll document the shared matches of my parents' top 11 shared matches. I'll view Dad and Mom's tests one at a time and note who each person shares with them. I'll add the number of cMs, predicted relationships, and side of family as before. To increase my chances of success, I'll add only the strongest shared matches of the 11 people. They have to share 139 cMs or more. (I chose that number after consulting the Shared centiMorgan Project.) That way, these matches should be no more distant to my subject people than 4th cousins. Plus, I'll skip any matches if they share less than 20 cM with my parents.

A 15% discount for readers of Fortify Your Family Tree!
A 15% discount for readers of Fortify Your Family Tree!

My goal is to find the best common connections. After documenting the first person's shared matches, I found something interesting. He's a close match to another one of the 11 top matches. Now I have 2 people from the same family who match both my parents. Is this the break I needed?

In the end, I'm left with 5 people who share DNA with both my parents and have close matches in the original list. I've already fit 2 of them into my family tree, and I find no connection to Mom's family. Plus, the one who shares 116 cM with Dad is actually more distant than expected. He's Dad's 4th cousin on one side and 5th cousin on the other.

While my parents' shared matches are tantalizing, every clue is pointing toward their being Identical By State. The most amazing thing is how their IBS families came together in a one-block stretch of Morris Avenue in the Bronx, New York.

Before I finish this month of Ancestry Pro Tools, I'm going to keep going through my DNA matches to learn what I can using the enhanced tools. It's a huge help when you can see that this match is the mother of that match. But I don't plan to renew my Pro Tools subscription.


  1. I have been using the Pro Tools for 3 weeks now. I also use Family Tree Maker with Charting Companion as my genealogy software (It's a great program). I agree none of the Pro Tools are that useful to me - except the Enhanced DNA matches.

    I only have 200 4th cousin or better matches on Ancestry due to a more recent arrival of my family in the US. Add to that my parents are both deceased so I don't have and never will have DNA kits for them. I have gained many interesting insights into my matches from the Enhanced DNA tool including finding out how one of my matches is distantly related to both my mother and father's lines. I will probably only continue to use the Pro Tools for another month or so and will re subscribe if and when there are more matches to look at.

    I have been busy trying to recreate my parents DNA at the Borland Genetics site using my siblings DNA and then using these partial kits in DNA Painter. Mr. Borland is in the process of developing other tools to try to figure out how parents might be related to each other. Ged Match has similar tools to recreate a missing parent but I have not used them. It's a gigantic puzzle.

    1. I'm impressed by all you've done, Ro. And I will follow your lead and resubscribe to Pro Tools only if I get a bunch of new matches who might be useful to me. It's interesting that a bunch of my toughest matches to solve are very closely related to one another. It's quite frustrating that they're all still unsolved.

    2. We need people to put up better documented trees. Then, with DNA and substantive trees we would get answers.

    3. If only we didn't have to encounter all those 1-person trees or private trees!

  2. I'll offer a slightly different viewpoint on Pro Tools. I've been using them since they came out and while I think they should be included in the base subscription price, I don't have any plans to cancel as I am using the Pro Tools daily.
    I work in a group, use FTM and FT Analyzer, all of the Progeny tools, and lots of other tools and spreadsheets. I have test kits with all of the DNA sites and use other tools there such as GEDMATCH, BanyanDNA, and WATO, in addition to many spreadsheets.
    Where do I use Pro Tools?
    1. If you work in a group, you'll love it. Ancestry tells you when anyone in the group makes a change (not part of Pro Tools), so you can cross check without having to export to a GEDCOM in the Tree Checker. Yes, lots of junk and incorrect data in many of the trees, but you can find nuggets of useful information if you are patient.
    2. The Tree Mapper is very useful. While the software is embarrassingly poor by mapping software standards, you have a pretty useful research question tool. Suppose I want to see everyone in my mother's line who lived somewhere in Pennsylvania between 1700-1750. I can see that instantly. Yeah, I'm not going to show anyone that awful display, I'll use better mapping tools, but I know the results right away. Can't do that in FTM quickly, as you will have to refine the filters, etc, which takes time, and if you link in DNA data, that's a lot of work in FTM.
    3. Tree Checker - yes FTA is better, more options, etc, but I don't have to export the data for the checks that are built into Pro Tools. When you have many hundreds of thousands of names in your file, Pro Tools is pretty handy (and I agree with your comment on missing source information). Yeah, the incorrect dups are annoying, but mark them as not duplicates and move on.
    4. FTM's interface isn't that stable at the moment, due to the many changes Ancestry is making, so Pro Tools will show you FTM sync errors. I don't use RootsMagic, due to their mandatory check box, so I'm not sure if Pro Tools will show you the sync errors with that tool or not.
    5. I agree with your comments of the usefulness with DNA and would add the Smart Filters can help there as well. I have one Welsh line on my mother's side and one Jewish line on my father's side, so I use the tags to mark any hits I get from various tools (GEDMATCH, WATO, etc) for anyone belonging to those lines. Those lines become useful discriminators to filter in/out data as I'm dealing with the amounts of endogamy/pedigree collapse in the other parts of my tree. I like your ideas with your spreadsheet and will incorporate some of those ideas. I extract Shared Matches with other tools, so there's more that can be done there.
    Love your column and read it every week!

    1. Wow, Jon. Thanks so much for your extremely thoughtful reply. Please, I'd love for you to elaborate on your second-to-last sentence: "I extract Shared Matches with other tools, so there's more that can be done there." Which other tools???

  3. There are 3 ways to extra data from Ancestry's DNA Shared Matches, since they do not provide a method.
    1. Page Scrape - block off the names and paste data as text only into a spreadsheet with built in conditional formatting, and it will clean it up nicely to rows/columns. There are some paid and free tools available, or you can build your own. Greg Clarke's tool at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r_emuHQ9UND_qz8GNemWYnxXi4Ov-xg-KuUIbrBByUQ/edit?gid=711582909#gid=711582909 is free and quite good.
    2. Use a HTML mining tool, such as Data Miner. The free version limits the fields you can extract, the paid version allows you to extract all the HTML components.
    3. Use DNAGedCom's utility tool to extract the data. That is a paid tool and will give you a nice spreadsheet of all of your shared matches. Of course, since Ancestry is always tweaking their code, then every time there is an update, DNAGedCom won't work until they tweak their own code.

    All 3 of these methods work with all 5 of the major DNA testing tools, so you can eventually get a single spreadsheet of your DNA matches. (some unique fields across the 5 companies) Some of the 5 companies have the ability to export a list of your shared matches.

    Since your family only immigrated to the US fairly recently, you do not have as many DNA Shared matches at Ancestry. An interesting blog entry from you might be to compare the number of shared matches from each of the sites. EU rules on test kits will impact the number of hits you get from European cousins, and you might have more hits with MyHeritage than Ancestry. Since my family is all Colonial America, with some here from the 1600s, I have over 100,000 AncestryDNA matches. Massive difference with what I get from MyHeritage (4K). MyHeritage does have much better tools than AncestryDNA, but in my case, nowhere near the number of matches, which is another reason I've spent so much time using Pro Tools.

    Hope this helps

    1. I appreciate this so much. Would you believe I have only 621 DNA matches on MyHeritage? Based on conversations with my cousins in Italy, they don't really see the need for all this.

  4. I am trying to Understand WHY FTM19 does not allow me to create a report based on only PATERNAL OR MATERNAL lines????? The information is "in" FTM, I simply cannot find a way to do reports based JUST on paternal or maternal. Let me explain ....I am making my only direct family next generation, my 3 nephews a "simple" notebook of their lineage in order to get them minimally interested, by providing them reports that are simple, easy for them to relate to, and I am including "stories" about significant ancestors, i.e. their ancestors who fought in the Civil War, were POW's in that time period, etc. All of the names and the people included in the charts and reports are just that - names. If I can narrow my reports down to paternal and maternal....that gives me a place to start on the not so complicated notebooks I am creating for each nephew. I asked FTM chat if paternal or maternal reports were available, they said yes, and proceeded to ask me to sign up for a $299, $399 or $499 FTM Support Plan---you CANNOT be serious. So...if FTM doesn't offer P or M reports, does PRO-TOOLS is my question before I even bother to sign up

    1. First of all, that was NOT the Family Tree Maker company, MacKiev, that you were chatting with. They never ask for money to help you. Use their chat page only: https://www.mackiev.com/techsupport/ftm/livechat.html

      As for the maternal or paternal reports, what if you don't start from yourself. Start from your father and include his siblings. Start from your mother and include her siblings.

    2. Unfortunately, when I googled Family Tree Maker help and Family Tree Maker Chat Line, the FIRST option that appears states this: This is the Family Tree Maker software’s official help website. Once you’ve arrived, you’ll notice a chat option in the bottom right corner. That should be clicked. A new box will appear on the screen. Fill out the form and click the chat button.
      Family Tree Maker Live Chat Support - FTM Help

      And again, it is the FIRST option. Family Tree Maker MacKiev is the second choice appearing as a google search. I'm obviously not the only person having had this same problem, there is a Better Business Bureau submissions page for Family Tree Maker with the same complaints...with folks assuming as I did, that they were chatting with Family Tree Maker.

      As for my report I want, I am not starting with me, I am attempting to make reports for my nephews, starting with each one of them. All I want is a kinship report showing maternal or paternal ancestor lineage - separate reports. I am trying to make this as simple as possible for my nephews and the information IS in FTM19, it appears in the kinship reports, but of course with all of the extended family included. It just doesn't make sense to me that I cannot do a report showing just maternal or paternal - for however many generations in that report that I choose. When I open my Ancestry account, from the home page, it shows my direct paternal and maternal ancestors in tiles...but I can't get a report from just Ancestry....I'm thinking I could with Protools...I don't know. Again, since FTM19 has this information in the database from all of the individuals I have added, I can't understand why there isn't a report for Maternal or Maternal lineage/ancestors, no matter who I start with! Maybe I am missing it, but I have spent a crazy amount of time trying to find such a thing! Jean

    3. Yes, lots of people have complained in Facebook groups that FTM asked them for money, and the answer is always that wasn't the company that makes FTM. If I saw familytreemakerhelp.com instead of familytreemaker.com, I'd think it was a fraud. It stinks that the bad guys come up first in a search.

      I'm using Family Tree Maker 2019 (actually much newer than its name implies), and I don't see any reports that let you choose to show only a maternal line or only a paternal line. Ancestry's Pro Tools would not give you this option either. I really think you need to start from each nephew's mother and father separately. Or create a chart and delete the people you don't want to show.

    4. Thank you SO much for your response….are you saying create a NEW tree for each nephew? Because your suggestion to do a separate report for the nephews is exactly what I am talking about!! I CAN do the kinship report on each nephew…I just want the filter/feature of maternal/paternal since the information is in my FTM database! And is soooo basic! My little brain just deals in what is the easiest and the info IS there in FTM. There should SIMPLY be a report of any person I want to start with…a kinship report filter paternal or maternal! I did hear yesterday that FTM 2021 is coming out in Feb. Thank you so much for attempting to help me with this issue. Jean

    5. You absolutely can create a report for any person in your tree. Simply select that person before you click the Publish tab to get to the reports. So you're not creating a new tree for each nephew; just a new report with them as the main subject.

      You'd think they'd name the new one FTM 2025, wouldn't you?? That's funny.

    6. And I just remembered I pre-ordered that new version of FTM months ago.
